Friday, November 28, 2008

Specifiying Sitemap URL in the Robots text file

In order for all search engines to be directed to your sitemap.xml file in your website's route directory, you can add a line to your robots.txt file that specifies the URL of your sitemap.

The robots.txt file would then look something like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /landingpages/
Disallow: /campaigns/ppc.html

Examples of a folder (landingpages) and a file (ppc.html, in the 'campaigns' folder) that search engines are being instructed not to spider / include in their index are also included.

The * tells all search engines to obey the robots text file rules.

Note that if you have a website that you do not wish indexed by any search engine, you would include one 'Disallow' line:

Disallow: /

You can add as many 'Disallow' lines as necessary.

If you have not yet created a sitemap file for your website, it is wise to do so. You should submit it to Google via their Webmaster Central service.

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